Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We want you to feel confident in your purchase. If you're not satisfied with your hardstyle remake project files, we're here to help.

2-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If our project files don't meet your needs, you can request a refund within two days of purchase. No questions asked.

How to Request a Refund

Simply email us at or visit our contact page. Please include your order number and the reason for your dissatisfaction.

Important Details:

  • Usage Rights: Refunds forfeit your right to use the project files in your productions.

  • Compatibility: While we thoroughly test our project files and specify the compatible FL Studio version, if you encounter any compatibility issues, please reach out to us for assistance.

  • Cooling Off Period: Our 2-day money-back guarantee starts from the date of purchase.

  • Refund Frequency: One refund per customer every 3 months.

  • Explanation Requirement: We appreciate detailed reasons for refund requests to improve our products.

  • Accidental Purchases: Refunds are not provided for accidental purchases.

If you have any questions about our refund policy or encounter compatibility issues, feel free to contact us.